"Fine raised lines on the surface of the crown"


Some terminology is troublesome because it is comparative. A tooth may be described as having "weak striations", the question becomes, weak compared to what? To understand this terminology better I resorted to purchasing a few inexpensive specimens to use as a guideline.

For consistency all specimens are in excellent to pristine condition.

Very weak
Easy to miss, appears as very fine wrinkles, strong light or magnification needed to be sure.
aka longitudinal wrinkles.

Odontaspis reticulata

Clearly visible, but still has a wrinkled look to it
aka longitudinal wrinkles.

Carcharias taurus   

Moderately strong
Appears more like fine lines then wrinkles, or a mixture of both.
aka fine longitudinal striations.

Striatoloamia macrota 

Relatively strong
Very obvious, the lines become deeper and dominate.
aka longitudinal striations .

Carcharias holmdelensis

Strong to coarse
Dominates the lingual side of the crown, not easy to miss.
aka distinctive longitudinal ridges

Scapanorhynchus texanus