Pathological Teeth

Commonality - Uncommon

Pathological teeth are usually the result of feeding damage to the tooth when it is immature and still soft; as the tooth matures it becomes deformed as a result of the initial damage. Pathological teeth with severe deformities are relatively easy to spot, especially in the case of twisted or bent crowns. However, minor deformities in many pathological teeth can produce some confusing results. While not a common occurrence, it is important to understand that pathological variations are another variable in the identification process.



Pathological shark tooth

One of the more bizarre pathological teeth.
Monmouth County, NJ.


A pathological Scapanorhynchus texanus.



One of the more common forms of deformities is a twisted or bent crown.
Carcharias cuspidata
Monmouth County, NJ



The deformity on the crown and damaged root make this a "sickly"
looking tooth.


Squalicorax pristodontus
Unlike the majority of pathological teeth, the deformity on this tooth
is not the result of feeding damage, but more likely incurred as one tooth
scratched the other in the process of development.


A close up of what I call the "serrations".




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