Longtooth Tiger Shark
Physogaleus  contortus (Gibbes)
aka Galeocerdo contortus

Age - Miocene  Commonality - Very Common

At one point there was some controversy as to whether Physogaleus contortus was a separate species or simply the lower teeth of Galeocerdo aduncus. The teeth of the these two tiger sharks, both found in NJ, are very similar. The crowns of P. contortus are slender, with a twist to them and have fine serrations which extend almost to the tip. The serrations on the top of the distal side of the crown are medium in coarseness. The root posses a wide shallow nutrient which is very prone to stream wear and a mild lingual protuberance. These teeth average between 3/4 to 1 inch in length and are easily confused with with the other common tiger from NJ Galeocerdo aduncus.

Authors note: Physogaleus contortus is still referred to by the old name Galeocerdo contortus in many reference guides and is still commonly referred to as a tiger.



Galeocerdo contortus

The contortion or twist in the crown is where Physogaleus contortus
gets it's name.

Monmouth County, NJ.



Galeocerdo contortus

P. contortus lingual view.
The wide shallow nutrient is faint, due to stream wear or poor fossilization
of the root may not be visible on all teeth. 


Top - Anterior
Left - Lateral   /  Right - Posterior


The root of Physogaleus contortus has a mild lingual protuberance.
Fine serrations extend almost to the tip of the crown.



Close up - labial view.

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